-- Home Centered Communion: The Disciples of Christ tradition is centered around the Lord’s Table. If you are unable to come to church we would like to bring communion to you. Please contact the church if you would like to participate.
-- Outreach/Hospitality - Come join this ministry team as we discover new ways to reach out to those outside our church doors. Outreach has ranged from helping individuals within our town to hands-on mission work.
--Upreach/Spiritual Growth - If you have a creative spirit and are interested in inspirational worship, prayer, or Christian education, come join this ministry team.
--Property - This ministry team cares for the church property inside and out and meets as needed. We'd love to have you as a part of the team!
-- Backpacks for Kids -- Discreetly provides nutritious, child-friendly, easy-to-prepare food to chronically hungry children in every day backpacks to take home over the weekends and out-of-school times.
-- www.stampoutstarvation.com/
- Breakfast with Santa
-- The Angel Tree
-- Outreach/Hospitality - Come join this ministry team as we discover new ways to reach out to those outside our church doors. Outreach has ranged from helping individuals within our town to hands-on mission work.
--Upreach/Spiritual Growth - If you have a creative spirit and are interested in inspirational worship, prayer, or Christian education, come join this ministry team.
--Property - This ministry team cares for the church property inside and out and meets as needed. We'd love to have you as a part of the team!
-- Backpacks for Kids -- Discreetly provides nutritious, child-friendly, easy-to-prepare food to chronically hungry children in every day backpacks to take home over the weekends and out-of-school times.
-- www.stampoutstarvation.com/
- Breakfast with Santa
-- The Angel Tree